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Public Speaking Private Classes  10 weeks

Gain confidence in public speaking by learning how to give introductions, prepare speeches, and lead impromptu talks. Have fun and boost confidence.


Our class in Public Speaking “Toastmasters” Style is a child-appropriate first step toward learning how to give speeches and debating. Meeting once a week for 1 hour children will learn how to give introductions, lead impromptu talks, and to  prepare a speech for their final project.




Warren Buffet often noted that communication skills are crucial to success, having said: “A relatively modest improvement can make a major difference in your future earning power, as well as in many other aspects of your life.” Good public speakers are more successful in conveying their knowledge, ideas, and opinions both in educational and professional settings. Today even in elementary schools, public speaking skills are considered a core competency. Solid communication skills enhance relationships with friends, parents, and teachers. However most schools offer little formal instruction in the subject. It’s never too early to start with Monster Education!


Sample curriculum:

Week 1: Ice Breaker Speech
Goal: Identify structure of a basic speech; balance preparation and impromptu
Assignment: : Write and deliver a speech about any topic to introduce yourself to the class.  Your speech may be humorous, informational, or any other style.
1-2 minute speech


Week 2: Speech Organization: Effective Openings
Goal: Practice organizing and presenting a speech on a topic you’re comfortable with


Week 3: Speech Organization: Main Points/Sub-Points
Goal: Practice organizing and presenting a speech with clear points and smooth transitions on a topic you’re comfortable with.


Week 4: Speech Organization: Impactful Closings
Goal: Practice creating impactful closings 


Week 5: Body Language: Give, Show, Chop Gestures
Goal: Deliver an impromptu speech using body gestures to enhance the way you speak


Week 6: Effective Public Speaking: Vocal Variety
Goal: Students will practice pitch, projection, pause, pace, and pronunciation through a series of activities with impromptu speech


Week 7: Effective Public Speaking: Emotions
Goal: Convey/Project emotions though nursery rhymes/storytelling and other activities


Week 8: Final Speech Assignment
Speech Construction: The Importance of Outlining
Goal: Create an Outline for your speech
 A. Greeting 
B. Capture audience interest
 C. Introduce yourself
 D. Transition 
 A. Main point 1 Transition
 B. Main point 2 Transition 
C. Main point 3 Transition 
A. Restate the main points of your speech
 B. Close with impact


Week 9/10: Rehearsal

Goals: Students rehearse their speech with feedback and practice the “V” zone


Week 10/11: Final Speech Presentation (5-6 minutes) with Positive, Constructive Feedback
Goal: To present final speech using techniques learned to enhance presentation.
Give positive, constructive feedback to peers


Check out our Magazine! There are great articles to read:

How to Enhance of Your Child’s Future with One Simple Skill



Public Speaking Private Classes 10 weeks

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